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Brofessional Development Podcast

Nov 9, 2021

Jack Of All Trades, Master of None

In today’s episode, Brofessional Development podcast hosts share their thoughts on the topic, Jack of all trades, master of none. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a Jack of all trades? And when do masters of none have an upper hand to a Jack of all trades? 


In This Episode:

[02:04] What’s going on

[06:16] Zillow’s home flipping disaster

[09:50] Rental Arbitrage

[13:18] Leveraging debt

[15:32] Quotes about today’s topic

[19:06] Why it’s good to be Jack of all trades

[21:10] Disadvantages of being Jack of all trades

[27:08] Circumstances to becoming the jack of all trades or master of one

[30:30] Adapt or lose your jobs to robots

[32:29] Jack of all trades the better player

[37:03] Creating multiple streams of income


Notable Quotes

  • If you leverage debt correctly, you can make a fucking shit of money.
  • A jack of all trades is a master of none. But oftentimes better than a master of one.
  • I’m not a Jack of all trades. I’m a master of many. I don’t feel there’s anything I can’t do if I want to.
  • If you wanna do something, go and do it. Do it well. Put some focus into it.
  • When you’re developing your business though, you do have to be a master of all trades because you don’t have the capital or are able to employ a specialist.
  • If you become competent, you create new neuropathways. New ways your brain connects things it wasn’t able to connect before.
  • If you don’t have a job right now, it’s literally because you don’t want to work.
  • If you’re going to dedicate time to something, when you’re there, be 100% present.


Tim Ferriss and The 4-Hour Workweek (

Harvard Business Publishing Education